Developing Felt Sense/Self Care Experience/Scheduling On Demand


Developing Felt Sense/Self Care Experience/Scheduling On Demand


Small group experience (virtual or in person) in Self treatment with compression techniques based on PolyVagal theory for down regulating the nervous system. We will use the Coregeous Ball (R) from Tune Up Fitness. You can also find this ball on Amazon. In person participants will have balls provided during the class. This class is suggested as a beginning place for clients in my practice who would like to take further classes on specific topics around self treatment (doing for yourself what you’ve received in hands on work), Movement Intelligence work (developing proprioceptive sense of body in space, organizing or coordinating body structure, reducing pain, recapturing lost movement options, recovery from traumatic injury), or Trauma Healing work (focus on somatic/body centered development of interoceptive awareness/what we feel inside).

Tune Up Fitness-Purchase the Coregeous (R) Ball here

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